Juraj Bednár
Juraj Bednár is a long-time user and promoter of open-source software, open technologies and content. He also created or took part in many open-source projects. He graduated on the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, in the area of theoretical informatics. He has been external editor of magazines PCRevue and InfoWare since 1997, where he writes about these topics. He works in the area of security and server administration etc. He is the co-owner of DIGMIA, where he deals with outsourcing and system administration. The company is the author of various open-source projects. He initiated the founding of the Slovak Linux Users Group, co-founded the Spoločnosť pre otvorené informačné technológie (the Society for Open Information Technologies) and he is a member of its executive team. He also took part founding of the first SLovak hackerspace Progressbar.sk -- community centre for enthusiasts from IT area and other fields related to it.
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Open-source: Unsolved Problem of Public Administration
Open source has come of age. Big companies and also states use it. It connects the power of communities and commercial world. We will acquaint you with the ideas and inspiration that allow realization of the vision of transparency and cost cutting in public administration. Research project "Open Source Infrastructure" (OSIN), executed in 2004, showed the potential of high savings in case of partial transition to OS in the course of next 8 years. How did Slovakia deal with its results, what are the strong and weak parts of the OS? We will show you particular suggestions of OS usage for the forthcoming period. The time is right to catch the train called "open technologies". Slovakia has strong open-source community and it should use its potential.