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John Rhoton

technology strategist
rhotonJohn Rhoton is a technology strategist. Best known for providing global strategy consulting to enterprise customers with a focus on public, private and hybrid cloud computing. His tenure in the IT industry spans over twenty-five years and covers a range of activities from software engineering and enterprise architecture to business development and global infrastructure deployment.

John has been responsible for defining and driving the technical strategy for several emerging technologies including cloud computing, mobility, next-generation-networking and virtualization. His work has spanned the globe including including long-term assignments in the United States, France, Italy, Ireland, Hong Kong and Malaysia, as well as his current base, Austria.

He is well-known throughout the industry as the published author of six books, including Cloud Computing Architected and Cloud Computing Explained, currently ranked as Amazon's most popular book on the topic.  He also speaks regularly on the technology and strategy at conferences, such as RSA, ISSE, Microsoft Tech Ed, Exchange Connections and the HP Technology Forum.
  • Cloud Computing Trends
    The term “Cloud Computing” is used to describe a variety of different technologies and service delivery models that are themselves rapidly evolving. This presentation will describe the current state of adoption of cloud computing and then discuss how factors such as security concerns, standardization efforts and business considerations as well as new technological developments, are shaping the direction of cloud services. It will propose an evaluation and adoption process that enterprises, small businesses and public agencies can use to leverage the benefits of cloud computing while minimizing the risks and disruption of embracing a new technology.
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