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Ingel Demedts

AZ Delta Hospital in Roeselare, Belgium , Pulmonologist/Thoracic Oncologist
Ingel KM Demedts, MD, PhD

Working as a Pulmonologist/Thoracic Oncologist in AZ Delta Hospital in Roeselare (Belgium), with a focus on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with lung cancer.

PhD in Medical Sciences at the Ghent University with a  PhD  thesis entitled: “Role of Dendritic Cells and Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 in the  pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”.
Special interest in clinical trials, Value Based Healthcare and the use of artificial intelligence in medicine.

Guest Professor at the Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Ghent University Hospital.

Member of the National College for Oncology in Belgium.

Awarded in 2019 with the International Value Based Healthcare Award for cost-effectiveness for  “A Holistic, Scalable, Value-Based Pathway for Lung Cancer Patients”

Expert member development group “Quality Indicators for Lung Cancer” (Stichting Kankerregister and Zorgnet icuro)
Member steering committee “Quality of life measurements for lung cancer patients” (Stichting Kankerregister and Kom op tegen Kanker).

  • Keynote: Transmural digital care pathway for lung cancer patients
    Highlights of the presentation:
    • Implementing patient reported outcomes in clinical care for lung cancer is feasible
    • Digital follow up  is beneficial for lung cancer patients
    • Treating lung cancer patients in a digital care pathway leads to a longer survival
    • It results in less emergency department visits and shorter length of stay at the day clinic
  • Discussion
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