Igor Farkaš
Prof. Igor Farkaš has been working (since 2015) as the head of the Department of Applied Informatics at FMFI UK in Bratislava and professionally focused in the field of artificial intelligence, specializing in the so-called a subsymbol, nature-inspired approach using neurocomputing. He has long been concerned with the study of computational properties of various models of artificial neural networks and their use in modeling cognitive functions (eg first modeling of natural language, later cognitive robotics). He worked in the USA (Fulbright scholarship and as a post doctoral student) and Germany (Humboldt scholarship). He leads the national projects VEGA, APVV and KEGA. He is the co-author of about 100 papers in international journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings, for which he recorded about 1,200 citations (according to Google scholar). He regularly reviews scientific articles in impact journals.He coordinates the Center for Cognitive Science at the Faculty and guarantees an international interdisciplinary master's degree program in cognitive science. He is a board member of the Center for Artificial Intelligence. He seeks to help spread enlightenment in the field of artificial intelligence and cognitive science.