Bezák Marcel
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Open Architecture Standards in Public Administration | Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2014: Future is TODAY
Public administration is a complex multi-enterprise dealing with a number of changes and their dynamics, in public administration itself, its IT, legislation and other areas. The ability to respond to these changes influences almost all areas of public administration, the ability to reform and transform, availability, quality and security of provided services, as well as its costs and effectivenes of the operations.
It is therefore inevitable to know its structure, pain points and have a clear idea about the objective and the ways how to achieve it. In other words it is necessary to institutionalize the Enterprise architecture that enables and supports understanding, service, transformation and other development of public administration.
Introduction and optimization of Enterprise architecture in public administration is a long-term complex process that can be significantly supported by many accelerators. One of them is a use of open architecture frameworks, TOGAF® and ArchiMate®; they are sucessfully and in the long-term used in public and private sector worlwide.