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Anthony D. Williams

Anthony D. Williams Consulting, journalist, lecturer
Anthony D. Williams is a best-selling author, speaker and consultant who helps organizations worldwide harness the power of collaborative innovation in business, government and society. In 2007, he authored the groundbreaking bestseller Wikinomics with Don Tapscott and is set to release the much-anticipated follow-up MacroWikinomics on September 28, 2010.
Anthony is currently a visiting fellow with the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto and a senior fellow for innovation with the Lisbon Council in Brussels. Among other appointments, he is also an advisor to GovLoop, the world’s largest social network for government innovators and a founding fellow of the OpenForum Academy, a global research initiative focused on understanding the impact of open standards and open source on business and society.
As a senior fellow at nGenera Insight, Anthony previously founded and led the world’s definitive investigation into the impact of Web 2.0 and wikinomics on the future of governance and democracy. His work has been featured in such publications as BusinessWeek, the Globe and Mail and the Times of India, and is widely circulated in proprietary syndicated research programs. He has advised both Fortune 500 firms and international institutions, including the World Bank.
Anthony holds a Masters in Research in Political Science from the London School of Economics and lives in Toronto with his wife and two children.
  • Macrowikinomics - Rebooting Business and the World
    In this new age of networked intelligence, businesses and communities are bypassing crumbling institutions. We are altering the way our financial institutions and governments operate; how we educate our children; and how the healthcare, newspaper, and energy industries serve their customers. In every corner of the globe, businesses, organizations, and individuals alike are using mass collaboration to revolutionize not only the way we work, but how we live, learn, create, and care for each other.
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