Andrea Ubrežiová
She currently works as a product manager in eGovernment, looking for solutions to improve digital public services. Previously, she was a product owner at Informa Markets, supporting the development and build of new content platforms while leading digital migrations projects. Before she got into the product field, she organized B2B events around the world, designed event onsite experience and led international marketing campaigns for over six years. Whenever she has free time, you will find her hiking, dog sitting, writing on Medium or volunteering for shesharp.co
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Application Slovensko v mobile: current state and future outlook
In this block, we’ll talk about milestones the application Slovensko v mobile (SvM) achieved since it’s launch in 2022, what users can expect by the end of 2023 and SvM roadmap for 2024/2025. -
Aďa joined MIRRI in 2021. Currently, she leads a product management team dedicated to the development of digital ecosystem platforms and tools, as well as looking for ways to improve communication between citizens and the state. Before moving to product management, she used to organize B2B events, create marketing campaigns and designed customer experience at fairs. At ITAPA, she’ll tell us more about, how together with NASES, they approached innovations on slovensko.sk platform.