Alena Sabelová
Alena Sabelová is the State Secretary of the Slovak Deputy Prime Minister for the Recovery and Resilience Plan and the use of European funds. He has been working in the state administration with a short break since 2001, in several management positions, including the Ministry of Finance and the Government Office. She also led the process of preparing the strategic document "Vision and Strategy for the Development of Slovakia until 2030" and represented Slovakia in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, headquartered in London, for eight years.
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DISCUSSION "Support for research and innovation"
Discussion "Risks and opportunities: European investments in health"
DISCUSSION: Round table
Let’s move to the 2020. How will Slovak eGovernment look like? Will the public administration be re -reformed? Will we achieve the set priorities? Will the Slovak regions and cities already implement smart solutions? And will the solutions be safe?