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Ladislav Šimko

Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
1987 –2003 Interhotely Tatry and Interhotely Košice – business operator, deputy director, hotel director
2000 – 2005 Consulting agency on macroeconomics, focus on analytical activities, project ideas, business-marketing analyses ,Pre Accession Funds, Structural Funds projects
2005 – 2007 Ministry of Culture of the SR – director of the Strategy Department, director general of the Strategies and International Relations Section
2007 – 2008 The News Agency of the Slovak Republic (TASR) – director of the Economics Section
2008 – 2011 Government Office of the Slovak Republic – director of the Department for Coordination of Knowledge Economy Priorities
2011 – 2017 present Government Office of the Slovak Republic- Deputy Prime Minister`s Office for Investment and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, – director of Cross-cutting Priorities Department (Competencies: EU2020 Strategy European Strategy for the Danube Region – executive national coordinator until 2016, Horizontal priority Sustainable Development, Transnational cooperation programmes within the European Territorial Cooperation goal)
2012-2016 - Executive National coordinator of EUSDR(European Union Strategy for Danube Region)
2013-2014 – coordinator and team leader national task force for RIS 3 SK preparation (Smart specialization strategy) established by Government Council for Science,Technology and Innovation
2017 – secretary Council Permanent Committee for RIS3 Implementation
  • Systemic support for research and innovation in the Slovak Republic to ensure competitiveness
    Presentation will describe the operations of system support for research and innovation in Slovakia designed to ensure competitiveness; it will also present entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) questionnaire as part of the framework Implementation strategy plan for smart specialization – RI3 for the platform Digital Slovakia and Creative Industry in entrepreneurial and research environment of IT sector and creative industry sector.
  • Systemic support for research and innovation in the Slovak Republic to ensure competitiveness
    Presentation will describe the operations of system support for research and innovation in Slovakia designed to ensure competitiveness; it will also present entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) questionnaire as part of the framework Implementation strategy plan for smart specialization – RI3 for the platform Digital Slovakia and Creative Industry in entrepreneurial and research environment of IT sector and creative industry sector.
  • The new programming period in terms of the Government
  • Strategy of memory and fund institutions development and reconstruction of their national infrastructure

    Memory and fund institutions are via their administered content the basis for development of the knowledge society. The state of funds in the Slovak Republic as well as securing their accessibility via ICT lacks far behind not only in the EU 15 average. The improvement of systems of acquisition and processing of the content of fund institution, its digitalization and making accessible is a key factor of provision of e-content for the development of inclusive information society.

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