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Program - Kongres ITAPA 2007: Living Online

Záverečný kokteil
Sekcia 4
Poznáme svoje práva?
"Stop! I know my rights!" This consumer campaign inspired creation of this panel whose goal is to find answers to everyday questions of those dealing with information and IT systems in public sector. Who is the author or the copyright owner? To who and for what we should pay? Who is entitled to exclusive rights? How to set up a contract and avoid unnecessary costs? Copyright, intellectual property, industrial property, re-usage of data and information - these are also topics of presentations and discussion.
Elektronické služby
Is year 2007 finally a breakthrough in the introduction of e-services on Slovakia? What new did it bring? What is the experience? What needs to be arranged to eliminate existing barriers? How the customers and users appreciate these changes and what needs to be done to increase their number? This panel will introduce current projects and will open discussion about speeding up the implementation of next services.
Ako byť úradom 21. storočia?
The objective of this panel is to inform about current implemented information systems and portals, which expand the services of public administration for different groups of users as well as within the public administration itself.
Keynote 5
Keynote 6
Keynote 7
Milan Ďurana, Hewlett-Packard Slovakia
Princípy úspešného riadenia projektov vo verejnej správe
Keynote 9
Keynote 8
Sekcia 3
Prechod na Euro vo verejnej správe
This current topic sounds also in the institutions of public administration. Our speakers will bring experience and will provide valuable advice and know-how for elimination of mistakes, as well as guidelines how to ensure the entire process.
Informačné systémy a portály I.
The objective of this panel is to inform about current implemented information systems and portals, which expand the services of public administration for different groups of users as well as within the public administration itself.
Bezpečnosť na internete a v informačných systémoch
Living online brings not only benefits, but also risks that need to be known of and prevented. As technologies evolve, so do develop the possibilities and also the offer of utilities and tools that protect our safety and mean higher quality, compared to current traditional status. Panel will reveal what needs to be known for the "life online", what are the activities and what new technologies will be provided for public online services.
Tlačová konferencia 2.

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