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Anton Škreko

Director of Communication Media and Authors' rights Department, MK SR, Slovakia
Anton Skreko studied at the Law School at Trnava University which he succesfully finished in 2003.

Since 2007 he's head of Copyright and Cinematography Unit, Media, Audiovisual and Copyright Department at the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic as well as a scientific researcher at the Intellectual Property Law Institute of the Faculty of Law of Trnava University.
  • Copyright
  • Information system of Ministry of culture for intellectual property

    Presentation deals with intellectual property issues in the globalized knowledge society, especially in the scope of improvement of the notion and knowledge of general public about this wide area regarding the creation of the IT system about intellectual property.

    The significance of the IPR protection and need of continual improvement of information exchange on the line between the creators and right holders on one hand side and users (consumers) on the other is outlined on the theoretical background of IPR legislation in the process of harmonization.

    Presentation introduces the project of Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic “Enforcement of intellectual property rights” as well. This project brings brand new IT system including the special intellectual property database.     

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