Martin Semrád
Martin Semrád is engaged in the field of the internet since 1996. In 2000 he founded the company NETWAY.CZ, offering internet connection and hosting. In 2004 his company became part of the association NIX.CZ. He is also founder and CEO in company i-registry that operates the registration of domains under .co.cz. In 2008 he was elected for a member of Board of Trustees of NIX.CZ and in 2010 he came the president of NIX.CZ; in this position he applies his vast experience from the internet. NIX.CZ is the biggest and the only neutral interconnection in the Czech Republic. Since 2015 it also provides interconnection in Slovakia under the name of NIX.SK.
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Our Role in Higher Network Security
With increasing number of ICT users and providers of critical services increases also the number of security incidents. The most threatened areas are finance, energy industries, electronic services and public services. These incidents negatively influence the trust of the users and decelerate the development of information society. Cyber security is therefore one of the priorities of network and electronic services providers. Governments all around the world endeavor to increase effectivity of defense against attacks on information systems. We can see the change how cyber security is understood in establishment of new organizations and provision of new services that actively protect the cyber space and build security community. In the Slovak Republic special unit of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic CSIRT.SK (Computer Security Incident Response Team Slovakia) and NIX.CZ association have started a cooperation that has introduced to Slovakia project FENIX. The project was developed in the Czech Republic in 2013 as a reaction to intense DoS attacks aimed at significant Czech media, banks and operators. The objective of the project is to enable internet services of engaged subjects during DoS attack.