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Achim Klabunde

eTen Project Officer, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
He received his diploma in Informatics and Communications from Bonn University. He worked in IT projects for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, and supported the roll-out of GSM in Europe as IT project manager for the telecommunication industry. Since 2002 he is working with the DG Information Society and Media at the European Commission. He is responsible for projects deploying e-services for citizens and businesses, with particular focus on the area of trust and security.
  • IDABC and eTEN Programmes

    IDABC stands for Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Business and Citizens. It uses the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies to encourage and support the delivery of cross-border public sector services to citizens and enterprises in Europe, to improve efficiency and collaboration between European public administrations and to contribute to making Europe an attractive place to live, work and invest.

    To achieve its objectives, IDABC issues recommendations, develops solutions and provides services that enable national and European administrations to communicate electronically and offer modern public services to businesses and citizens in Europe. The programme also provides financing to projects that address European policy requirements and improve cooperation between administrations across Europe. By using state-of-the-art information and communication technologies, developing common solutions and services and providing a platform for the exchange of good practice between public administrations, IDABC contributes to the eEurope objective of modernising the European public sector. eTEN is the European Community Programme designed to help the deployment of telecommunication networks based services (e-services) with a trans-European dimension. It focuses strongly on public services, particularly in areas where Europe has a competitive advantage.

    The programme aims to accelerate the take up of services to sustain the European social model of an inclusive, cohesive society. Its objectives are at the very heart of the eEurope mission of "an information society for all". It promotes public interest services which give every citizen, enterprise and administration full opportunity to gain from the e-Society, bridging the digital divide which threatens to create an information underclass in the areas of eGovernment; eHealth and eHealthcare; eInclusion; eLearning; Services for SMEs (eBusiness); Trust and Security services components.

  • The goals and challenges of i2010 initiative

    "i2010" is a comprehensive strategy to guide information society and media policies. It states a common purpose for the various policy levers available to the Commission: regulation, R&D investment, innovation and deployment of information and communication technologies throughout the economy and society.

    The first pillar of i2010 combines all the regulatory instruments at the Commission’s disposal which will allow us to create a modern, market-oriented regulatory framework for the digital economy. The second pillar brings the EU’s research and development instruments into the game of digital convergence and sets priorities for our cooperation with the private sector to promote innovation and technological leadership. The third pillar seeks to promote, with the tools available to the Commission, an inclusive European Information Society, supported by efficient and user-friendly ICT enabled public services.

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