Deirdre Lee
Deirdre Lee is founder of the start-up Derilinx, which helps public-sector organisations harness the full potential of data through the secure sharing of Linked and Open Data. She has worked as a Research Associate a the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland since 2008. Deirdre’s role in the eGovernment Unit involved coordinating and participating in national projects, such as the Open Data Ireland Initiative, and international projects, such as the European eParticipation project Puzzled by Policy. Deirdre is also involved in standardisation work, participating in the W3C Government Linked Data and Data on the Web Working Groups. Deirdre received a B.A. in ICT at Trinity College Dublin and a M.Sc. Computer Science (by research) in Trinity in 2008. Lee worked as a Research Assistant in the IBM Zurich Research Lab from 2004-06.
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Data-savvy governments
Open Data has many associated benefits, from greater transparency and accountability to increased participation and innovation. These benefits have great potential for civil society, citizens and the economy. However Open Data also provides an opportunity for governments themselves to progress. In this presentation, I will explore how participating in Open Data initiatives can help governments become more data-savvy, which can in-turn improve public-service efficiency.