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How to fulfill the requirements for privacy protection

/ Lecture
The most valuable thing we own

Why not to miss the presentation?
It will be the art of impossible. And it will be expensive. It is a real challenge to combine protection of company needs with non violation of the privacy at the same time. Join the discussion, together we can think better.

Executive Summary:
Today close attention is paid to privacy and personal data protection. The existing legislative measures, as well as measures  under preparation, will represent an increasing burden for companies and for the government. However trends in information systems development are moving in a direction, that fulfillment of legislative obligations is getting more and more complicated or impossible. It will be expensive to find a solution to protect the company’s interest and in the same time not to violate privacy (personal data).

Jozef Chebeň

1987-1988 (Slovak Bureau of Statistics) Participated as a programmer in development work on the state database system SPAZ II. 1988-1991 (SVŠT) Dealing with the connectivity of fast local computer networks. Gained extensive theoretical knowledge of local and global computer networks. 1991 – 1994 (GAMMA) Worked on automated processing project and space diagnostics and dental procedures modelling in a team lead by prof. Slavicek. 1994 – súčasnosť (EMM, spol. s r.o.) After joining EMM took part in building specialised department, which is responsible for information security strategy and architecture, end user support in developing own information systems security systems and products. Worked in various technical and consult…
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