Zuzana Valková
She studied Faculty of Law at University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica. She worked at the Office for Personal Data Protection of Slovak Republic, department of legislation and international relations; she led the department between 2011-2015. She is a co-author of valid law on personal data protection and comments. She led the Slovak Republic team during preparation of a proposal for general rule on personal data protection on European level (GDPR) in Brussels. She is currently Executive Director of NGO Independent Institute for Privacy Protection.
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Is Safe Harbor safe or not? Changes in Personal Data Protection without legislation changes.
For more than 3 years an active discussion on latest European legislation on personal data protections is going, however, there is still valid a regulation adopted 20 years ago. European courts took on the initiative and radically influenced not only the European Union but also in relation to United States of America. And Snowden is not the only one to blame...
The new law on the protection of personal data and informatization of public administration