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Torsten Uhe

Atos Worldline, responsible for business development of new services
After degree in engineering from Braunschweig Technical University Torsten Uhe worked with Schlumberger CAD/CAM as applications engineer and sales director. After a position in the product management of Schlumberger Terminals and Systems he was responsible for the Schlumberger smart card business in Germany as managing director. With the foundation of Schlumberger Sema and the takeover by Atos Origin he was responsible for telekom systems integration in central Europe . Toady Mr. Uhe is responsible for business development of new services at Atos Worldline. 
  • eID Services
    The presentation covers a brief outline of the online identification process with the nPA - the new German ID Card. Also the roles of various actors in the identification and roll out process will be explained. Atos Worldline plays a key role as eID Serviceprovider – it will be detailed what an eId-service-provider does and what requirements have to fulfilled. Also some ideas for online eID applications will be presented.
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