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Ivan Schalek

Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family, SR, project manager
Bussines school in Czech Republic

Professional experience:
Worked in foreign IT companies (Global Ameritech Company, Servodata), logistics (DHL international) and health service (Futurebiolab) as a Senior Manager.
On the present he works as a Project Manager of the project included in the Operational Programme Information Society in of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic and Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.

  • ICT Management of Social Benefits
    Since April 1st, 2011, after the eight-month break, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic continues in building the electronic services that will enable citizens to send applications for social benefits via Internet. The project "Information system for management of social benefits " (IS RSD), included in the Operational Programme Information Society, will provide the integration with other government IS. The goal of the integration is reduction of demands placed on citizens when the required information can be obtained from another government IS. What exactly does this mean for social benefits? What is the impact on the legislation, the current processes at the offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family? What is the link to other eGovernment projects? What problems are we facing? What is the expected time schedule of the rollout and what are the conditions? The project managers of the contractors will answer all these questions.
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