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Peter Druga

Únia miest Slovenska, UMS expert for Digital Agenda
Peter Druga – UMS expert for Digital Agenda, more than 30 years working experience in different projects and different decision-making level (state administration, self-government, private sector) in areas like information society, electronic communications, broadband, eGovernment, PSI re-use , innovation etc.
  • iGovernance - the UMS point of view
    Innovation and innovativeness are the actual challenges not only for the business, but also for public administration. Innovation types include generally products, processes, organizational and marketing innovation. For public administration in towns, villages and regions in Slovakia it is an excellent opportunity to search and use of existing reserves and implementation of new activities to support their primary mission - good governance at local and regional level.
    Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia (UMS) actively participates in preparation and implementation of huge number of related regional, national and international activities. Digital Agenda, ESO, Open Data, eGovernment, Smart Cities, mGovernment, OPIS, activities of ZISS, OPII - this is only selected part of relevant activities that are related to innovation or should be related also in Slovakia.
    In period 2014-2020 it is necessary for Slovakia in public administration to prepare and implement in organizational, legislative, technological and financial frameworks the whole complex of activities aiming to support development of modern public administration. UMS shall present its principal view for effective implementation of this challenge. The final results of such implementation should through innovative and effective local governments significantly promote the comprehensive development in near three thousand Slovak municipalities, including active involvement and effective cooperation of all local institutions related to relevant territory.

  • The role and status of institutions in building the information society
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