Zsolt Sikolya
Zsolt Sikolya is Director General in the Ministry for Informatics and Communications of Hungarian Republic. He studied electrical engineering and mathematics. Formerly he was the manager of several CAD, real-time system development and GIS projects. From 1996 until 2002 he was involved in coordination of governmental IT developments as department head of Prime Minister’s Office. He chaired the Interdepartmental Working Groups for GI, Data Management and PKI, and was the project director of government portal, metadata service, thesaurus, PKI and intranet projects. Presently he is responsible for the electronic government policy and inter-sectoral coordination. He chairs the Interdepartmental Committee of Electronic Government. He is President of the Hungarian Association for Geo-Information (HUNAGI).
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Information society in Hungary
The new Hungarian Information Society Strategy has just been ready. It emphasizes the importance of the consistent development of back-office and front-office in every field. This is especially valid for e-Government, which is one of the main fields of the strategy. Although many important central back-office e-government projects have been launched – some of them even finished – in the latest years (high capacity governmental backbone, government, public administration metadata service and concept store, government directory, knowledge management based government intranet, etc.), the lack of interoperablity characterizes most of the information systems of the Hungarian public administration. Besides continuing the formerly started central developments, the new strategy and action plan will anticipate a radical improvement in the interoperability of these systems. Standardized data models, data interchange schemas and protocols will be specified for this purpose. But the effective reengineering of the administrational processes is also a prerequisite of the required interoperability. We must eliminate all the legal and procedural barriers of the electronic case management in the near future. -
Present State and Strategic Plans of the Back Office of the Hungarian Public Administration
The new Hungarian Information Society Strategy has just been ready. It emphasizes the importance of the consistent development of back-office and front-office in every field. This is especially valid for e-Government, which is one of the main fields of the strategy. Although many important central back-office e-government projects have been launched – some of them even finished – in the latest years (high capacity governmental backbone, government, public administration metadata service and concept store, government directory, knowledge management based government intranet, etc.), the lack of interoperablity characterizes most of the information systems of the Hungarian public administration. Besides continuing the formerly started central developments, the new strategy and action plan will anticipate a radical improvement in the interoperability of these systems. Standardized data models, data interchange schemas and protocols will be specified for this purpose. But the effective reengineering of the administrational processes is also a prerequisite of the required interoperability. We must eliminate all the legal and procedural barriers of the electronic case management in the near future.