Marnix Dekker
Marnix Dekker works in the Secure services program of ENISA, which focuses on information security aspects of online services, software applications (for example on smartphones), and service delivery models (for example outsourcing and cloud computing). Previously Marnix worked for KPMG in the Netherlands as an IT consultant. For example he was involved with the design of the new version of DigiD and the first version of eRecognition (both national Identity management systems). Marnix has a master’s degree in Theoretical physics (focussing on Quantum decoherence), and a PhD degree in Computer science (focussing on flexible access control models for collaborative work environments).
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Key Security Risks of Cloud Computing | Kongres ITAPA 2010: Tam, kde sa svety stretávajú
In the past years ENISA has deployed several activities regarding the information security aspects of Cloud computing. This talk will cover ENISA’s position on Cloud computing and ENISA’s goals in the Cloud computing activities. The talk will furthermore cover the highlights of the 2009 report on Cloud computing, the ENISA Assurance framework for Cloud computing, and explain the ongoing and future activities of ENISA in this area.