Oto Malý
Mr. Maly is currently Senior Manager for IT operations in integrated telecommunication operator Slovak Telekom, a.s.. Before that, he performed 7 years in this company, firstly as Director for System Integration, later on for IT Operations and finally as Senior Director IT. He has rich experiences with managing IT in big institutions and has strong technological background.
His previous points of action were institutions Allianz – Slovenska poistovna, a.s. (insurance company) and Slovenska sporitelna, a.s. (bank of deposit). In both financial institutions he was responsible for IT innovations and execution of development programs, for implementation of IT solutions in HW, networking, applications and processes with main emphasis on the business innovation development and growth.
Key role in Slovak Telekom was to manage implementation of large IT solutions and building-up S&M, process and system integration built on advanced technological solutions which gains on importance in IT in Slovak Telekom, a.s. just together with achieved progress in implementation of COTS SW packages in business critical areas such as CRM, BSS, OSS, BI and will be in IT of telecommunication operator long-termed.
The new challenge is restructuring and optimization of Data Center and infrastructural IT area based on consolidation and virtualization. An actual challenge in application area is to support network transformation and convergence of nets and IT to OSS/BSS IT for Slovak Telekom, a.s. as telecommunication operator of new generation with accent on NG Technologies and IP based product portfolio.
Meanwhile fifteen years of acting on Department of telecommunications FEI STU achieved Oto Maly scientific degree PhD and degree College lecturer in department of applied information science.
His previous points of action were institutions Allianz – Slovenska poistovna, a.s. (insurance company) and Slovenska sporitelna, a.s. (bank of deposit). In both financial institutions he was responsible for IT innovations and execution of development programs, for implementation of IT solutions in HW, networking, applications and processes with main emphasis on the business innovation development and growth.
Key role in Slovak Telekom was to manage implementation of large IT solutions and building-up S&M, process and system integration built on advanced technological solutions which gains on importance in IT in Slovak Telekom, a.s. just together with achieved progress in implementation of COTS SW packages in business critical areas such as CRM, BSS, OSS, BI and will be in IT of telecommunication operator long-termed.
The new challenge is restructuring and optimization of Data Center and infrastructural IT area based on consolidation and virtualization. An actual challenge in application area is to support network transformation and convergence of nets and IT to OSS/BSS IT for Slovak Telekom, a.s. as telecommunication operator of new generation with accent on NG Technologies and IP based product portfolio.
Meanwhile fifteen years of acting on Department of telecommunications FEI STU achieved Oto Maly scientific degree PhD and degree College lecturer in department of applied information science.
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ST Cloud - Applicability and Specifics
Cloud computing represents one of key phenomenon’s in actual IT world. It is not a new technology, it is a new method how to use IT for building solutions for everybody. Report deals with the applicability of cloud enabled technologies for governmental solutions assigned for interactivity with a citizens and services for them, but even more general, reasons of usability of cloud enabled technologies for Slovak ICT market. In report are discussed positives of cloud based technologies starting with HW utilization, through sharing of computing power, elasticity, flexibility up to advantages related to system administration and specifics of an application portfolio suitable in cloud. We are discussing security as a topic which has specific risks, limitations and solutions in cloud environment. We introduce a Slovak Telekom Cloud vision build on high quality of Data center services, high technological maturity, IT robustness and also on high standards achieved in operational excellence.