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Daniela Navrátilová

FormServices, project manager
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Section of Informatics
-          cooperation in transposition of INSPIRE Directive in the legislation of the Slovak Republic
-          coordination of activities and persons obliged to implement INSPIRE Directive
-          representation of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic in area of standardisation of spatial information
-          coordination of activities related to e-Government in competence of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
2008 – 2001
Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava
from 2007 in position of Director of the Institute
-          representation of the governing organisation Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (UGKK ) in area of standardisation and cooperation in drafting concepts for the Public Administration Information System
-          cooperation in drafting concepts and project materials in competence of UGKK SR
-          presentation of results of activities of the Institute at local and international events related to geodesy, cartography, cadastre and geoinformatics
-          cooperation in new methodics for projects in land regulation and lecturing training with this theme for workers of cadastre and land offices
-          cooperation in the pilot project of the new geoportal aimed to web services for experts and public
-          cooperation in the international project GIS4EU aimed for providing and use of geo-spatial information according to INSPIRE requirements
2001 – 2000
GEOREAL Bratislava
-          preparing data for geometric plans and their processing, preparing data for property rights settlement of real estates, preparing data for contracts of sale of apartments to personal property
2000 – 1992
Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava
in position of research and development worker
-          testing and cooperation in development of programmes for real estates cadastre in position of expert consultant for graphics of real estates cadastre
1992 – 1986
Slovak Technical University Bratislava, study area: Geodesy and Cartography, specialisation: Use of Electronic Measuring Systems in Geodesy
1986 – 1982
Secondary Vocational School Michalovce, study area: Land Constructions
  • Electronic form as an effective means of communication eGovernment
    Current requirements of electronic communication ask for use of broad specter of various electronic channels and entry devices. Effectiveness and comfort for the end user has maximum attention. Highly effective tool of electronic communication of a citizen with public administration are intelligent, electronic forms that enable significant independence from communication channels and at the same time decrease the platform support costs of service provider.

    Electronic form is the basic tool for exchange of structure data required for public service agenda in an extent of available electronic service. Its part is besides visual presentation also a file of fulfilled norms in accordance with Act on public administration information system standards as well as support of technological integration.

    Intelligent electronic form, whose development, integration and use will have no complications in any part of its life cycle but will provide the user comfort opportunity to communicate on proactive level, is the highest effectiveness goal.

  • National Infrastructure for Spatial Data
    The presentation focuses on the issues of spatial integration. It reflects commitments of Slovak republic toward European initiative INSPIRE and fixates on final solution of national infrastructure for spatial information in the context of current and future needs of modern European society.
  • INSPIRE – Recent Information on Transposition and Implementation of the Directive in the Slovak Republic
    The Government Resolution 745 of 3 October 2007 defined a task for the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic to transpose the Directive 2007/2/EC of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). The transposition was carried out by a draft Act on national infrastructure for spatial information. At present, the comments raised by the Legislative Council of the Slovak Government are being incorporated in the draft Act.

    Objective of implementation of the Directive is to establish sufficient coordination among the users and providers of spatial information with cross-cutting nature from various sectors. The Directive in its Annexes I to III defines 34 themes for spatial data. Division of the themes into the Annexes has been carried out with regard to the importance (highest importance, lower importance, thematic data for a broad spectrum of environmental policies). Spatial data sets, containing these themes, and spatial data services establish an infrastructure which should assist in decision-making related to the environment.
    Existence of metadata is a basic requirement to effectively use the available data. These metadata contain information on quality, availability, usage possibilities, format and structure of existing data sets. The basis for building an infrastructure – network services (discovering, transforming, viewing and downloading) for sharing spatial information - is the register of spatial information which is one of fourth supporting registers for the informatisation of the public administration and  for which the Ministry of the Environment has been proposed to act as a system administrator.   

    Thematic area: Use of geographic information systems (mapping applications, dealing with spatial data, use of spatial data in practice, other useful applications)
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