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Vladimír Kešjar

Ministry of Finance SR, General Secretary of the Service Office

Vladimír Kešjar was appointed Chairman of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services as of 31 January 2014 by the Parliament of the Slovak Republic. In 2013, he served for seven months as Vice-Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic. He also worked as Chairman of the Siemens Telecom Department in Slovakia for 10 years and as GM of the financial & insurance sector of AIG in Slovakia for 4 years. He has spent more than 8 years in private business, in the finance, insurance and ICT sectors. He worked in Africa for 6 years and briefly in New Zealand. Mr. Kešjar´s aim is to support and contribute significantly to further co-operation amongst European Electronic Communications and Postal Regulatory Authorities in order to maximize benefits for the consumers and markets.

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