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Mário Ziman

Fyzikálny ústav SAV
Mário Ziman studied theoretical physics at Comenius University in Bratislava. He completed his doctoral studies at the Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where under the guidance of prof. Vladimír Bužek worked on programmable quantum processors, models of quantum dynamics and the issue of multiparticle quantum coupling. As part of the SCIEX postdoctoral fellowship, he worked at the ETH in Zurich. He currently works at the Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and lectures at Comenius University, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and Masaryk University in Brno. In his research he deals with mathematical structures of quantum physics, quantum communication and quantum information processing. He has published more than 80 scientific papers and is the author of the successful monograph "The mathematical language of quantum theory". His works have so far received more than 2,500 citations. He is currently the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Center for Quantum Technologies (
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