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Program - Spring ITAPA 2023

Registration and morning coffee
Štvrtý útok pre Slovensko
8:30 - 8:50 The fourth attack for Slovakia, hall Ballroom I+II
It's been a month since the government appointed experts, what priorities did the government manage to set?
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Ľudovít Ódor, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
Opening Speech
Panel pripravujeme
8:50 - 9:10 1on1 of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, hall Ballroom I+II
What are the priorities of the new head of the Ministry of Investments? What are the ministry's goals until the appointment of a new government and what else can they achieve?
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Peter Balík, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
1on1 with minister of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
plenarka 2
9:10 - 9:40 Innovation at the national level, hall Ballroom I+II
What should be the main topic of innovation at the national level? How should we build an economy that is built on innovation? How are innovations and innovative firms financed in France and is this model transferable to Slovakia? How did the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine contribute to innovation in the Czech Republic?
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Peter Švec, Ministry of Economy of the SR
1on1: Support of Innovations by the Ministry of Economy of the SR
Gilles Le Cocguen, Bpifrance, EuroQuity
Effective support of companies and innovations in France
Václav Velčovský, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
EŠIF as a tool for system transformation and development
Inovačné huby a ekosystémy
9:40 - 11:00 Instructions on how to innovate, hall Ballroom I+II
The most profitable academic company in the Czech Republic, the new NATO innovation accelerator that is starting up in Slovakia, activities in the field of space innovations. All these are inspiring stories and opportunities that you will learn about in the presentations of inspiring speakers who represent innovative hubs and ecosystems. In the following discussion, the experts will discuss the topic of "Instructions on how to innovate".
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Michaela Kollárová, Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic
Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic – DIANA
Nora Haxhidautiová, REDHAT
Ján Kyselovič, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
Otomar Sláma, Charles University Innovations Prague
Pavol Šajgalík, Slovak Academy Of Science
DISCUSSION "How to innovate"
Má Slovensko dobrú stratégiu pre inovácie?
11:30 - 12:05 Does Slovakia have a good strategy for innovation?, hall Ballroom I+II

Slovakia is implementing reforms and investments as part of the Recovery Plan. The country's plan is to invest in research and innovation in order to transform its industry, accelerate economic growth, start converging again instead of stagnating, and become an attractive destination for highly qualified talent and companies creating high-added value. Will the new strategy be translated into reality and what impact will the upcoming elections have on its implementation?

Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Michaela Kršková, Government Office of the SR
Juraj Miškov, SlovakiaTech
Vladimír Šucha, Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
DISCUSSION "Does Slovakia have a good strategy for innovation?"
12:05 - 12:15 story, hall Ballroom I+II
How is the central public administration portal changing and when will it become a modern portal for citizens and entrepreneurs? Implementation of the project "Increasing the useful value of digital services for citizens, entrepreneurs and public administration institutions", financed by the European Regional Development Fund OP Integrated Infrastructure, as the beginning of the content, functional and technological revitalization of the Central Public Administration Portal.How is the central public administration portal changing and when will it become a modern portal for citizens and entrepreneurs?
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Opportunities and threats brought by artificial intelligence
12:15 - 12:30 Opportunities and threats brought by artificial intelligence, hall Ballroom I+II
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Mária Bieliková, Kempelenov inštitút inteligentných technológií
1on1 with Mária Bieliková
Demokracia v digitálnej transformácii
12:30 - 12:40 Democracy in digital transformation, hall Ballroom I+II
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Martina Le Gall Maláková, Industry Innovation Cluster Slovakia
10 principles for my life in democracy
sekcia 4
13:40 - 14:40 Supporting Companies and Innovations (interpreted), hall Ballroom I
Are there effective tools to support businesses? Are there examples in Europe that can serve as inspiration for Slovakia? Do we have a well-set internal ecosystem and organization of support for companies from the state? How does Bpifrance work?
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Johannes Hunschofsky, EIT Manufacturing East
Making Manufacturing Innovation Happen!
Artur Bobovnický, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
Jaroslav Bukovina, Office of the Government of the SR
Peter Dittrich, Slovak Investment Holding
Oliver Majdúch, IT Attorney
DISCUSSION "Supporting Companies and Innovations"
13:40 - 14:40 Slovakia opens the way to science, hall Ballroom II
Open science is a strategic priority of the European Commission and represents a key component in increasing the visibility of research. The presentation and the subsequent discussion will present ways of openly making available the results of science and research and the support available to scientists in Slovakia today.
Simona Simanová, moderátorka
Jan Jindra, Charles University
Current trends and challenges in data management
Michal Fedák, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Jan Jindra, Charles University
Ján Kyselovič, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
Jozef Masarik, Comenius University Bratislava
Otomar Sláma, Charles University Innovations Prague
Václav Velčovský, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
DISCUSSION "Slovakia opens the way to science"
13:40 - 14:40 Innovations on the Portal, hall Connections

NASES is aware of the huge technological and investment debt to the Central Public Administration Portal. In the years 2021 and 2022, the initial innovation initiatives that will bring a new look and content to the portal were launched, further innovations are being prepared, financed from POO, aimed at revitalizing the rest of the portal as well. The new solution brings a change in the environment of the information website, simplification of orientation and navigation for the citizen in the tangle of electronic services and public administration information, and a new form solution. We will introduce a new submission concept and a new approach to form design and integration.

Panel is organized in cooperation with NASES.
Matúš Jaco, moderator
Lenka Mitáková, NASES
Andrea Ubrežiová, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Peter Harvaník, NASES
Pavel Karel, NASES
Lenka Mitáková, NASES
Martin Sulík, National Agency for Network and Electronic Services
Štefan Szilva, NASES
DISCUSSION " Innovations on the Portal"
sekcie 5
14:40 - 15:30 Hydrogen Economy (interpreted), hall Ballroom I
Gradual achievement of climate neutrality in accordance with the Paris Agreement, the Fit for 55a REpower UE programs envisages a transition to the use of emission-free or low-emission hydrogen. In the medium term, hydrogen will become an efficient energy carrier that will be used in precisely defined areas. The goal will be to create the conditions to be able to ensure enough hydrogen for industry, energy and mobility. This trend is supported by EU structures as well as within the Slovak Republic. The strategic decision was the adoption of the National Hydrogen Strategy by the Government of the Slovak Republic in 2021, which includes the development of an Action Plan for the fulfillment of the goals defined in the strategy in the short term until 2026. When introducing hydrogen technologies, the question of their economic prosperity in the context of the conditions for the sustainable development of society is often discussed in both professional and political structures. These questions will be the subject of discussion by experts during the Spring ITAPA 2023 conference.
Martin Jesný, Moderator
Tomáš Brestovič, Hydrogen technology research center in Košice
Robert Jambrich, Slovenské elektrárne
Juraj Sinay, Advisor to the Minister of Economy for Hydrogen Technologies
Ján Weiterschütz, National Hydrogen Association of the Slovak Republic
DISCUSSION "Hydrogen Economy
14:40 - 15:30 Successful women in Slovak startups, hall Ballroom II
What should we do if we want to make Slovakia a country where inspiring entrepreneurs can easily do business, create startups and raise capital? Can start-ups contribute to the fundamental transformation of the Slovak economy? Do we have enough business ideas and enough capital in Slovakia? How can we support the Slovak startup community and what is the role of the state? We will talk about this and much more with successful women of the Slovak startup scene.
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Andrea Basilová, Sensoneo
Eva Kováčová, Glycanostics
Michaela Šišková, DNA ERA
DISCUSSION "Successful women in Slovak startups"
15:40 – 16:40 ITAPA OPEN TALK: 30 years of Slovakia, hall Ballroom I
Where have we moved as a country and as a society in the last 30 years and in which direction should we go? ITAPA OPEN TALK will review the development of Slovakia over the last 30 years of its independent existence. Where have we moved geopolitically and economically as a country since 1993? In what way is our society developing and what does European and transatlantic integration mean for us? What lessons did 30 years of independent existence bring us and what lessons do we have and must take from it?

Admission to ITAPA OPEN TALK IS FREE. It is necessary to register for it via this registration form.

Important!!! If you are already registered as a conference participant or speaker, you do not need to register separately for OPEN TALK.
Michal Havran ml., moderator
Ingrid Brocková, Diplomat
Elena Kohútiková, Economist
Vladimír Šucha, Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
Michal Vašečka, Sociologist
Guests of the ITAPA OPEN TALK
Closing Ceremony