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Program - ITAPA 2007: Living Online

Keynote 2
Radoslav Majerský,
Session 2
Better regulation - easier administration - more money?
European Commission recently introduced horizontal initiative under supervision of Gunter Verheugen called "Better regulation". Its goal is to reduce administrative burdens and bureucracy, creAate more effective government services and improve European Aeconomy primarily through ICT usage. Slovakia acknowledged this initiative with its own strategy. Panel will introduce European initiative, current reality of Slovakia and it will also bring up a discussion about economic effects of electronic services on citizens, enterpreneurs and economy.
Common life of electronic and paper documents
What is the role of paper documents in digital administration? Are they capable of being a medium for digital signature? What is the relationship of paper and electronic documents and are they really secure? How to prepare trusty and legally acceptable documents from an electronic archive, how to print it remotely and safely and how to protect it from abuse and fraud?
Ivan Vecco Portella,
Julio Risotto López,
Birth Certificates in Peru done by PDMark technology
Igor Šenkarčin,
ARDACO Solutions for eGovernment
Open Technologies in Public Administration and in Schools
(ODEF - Open Document Exchange Formats) This panel will promote current experience of ODEF development, activities on international, but also domestic level and practical examples of implemented technologies. It will also include an information about the situation in standards and establishment of interfaces and formats.
Karel De Vriendt, European Commission, Informatics Directorate-general
IDABC, European Interoperability Framework
Press Conference 1.
Session 1
Electronic Forms
Successful implementation of the e-forms in number of institutions has become an inspiration for many information systems in a state in a state administration and in the self-government that are currently under preparation. E-forms also bring completely new possibilities that surpass original plans by far. The objective of this panel is to share existing experience or "lessons learned" to those who are preparing usage of e-forms in their projects, to avoid mistakes or unnecessary steps and to show other applications and benefits of e-forms.
Peter Augustín, DXC Technology
Erik Minarovič,
Integration platform
Culture in the Digital Age
Protection of the cultural heritage, development of content and digital preservation technologies - these are the areas that the entire sphere of European culture lives by. How to protect, preserve and maintain data, memory or cultural heritage? These projects exceed the area of cultural institutions though. After all, many others are today looking for possibilities of the safe and long-lasting preservation of digital data. What is actually is all about and how can you benefit from it - you will learn if you attend this panel.
Ladislav Šimko, Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Strategy of memory and fund institutions development and reconstruction of their national infrastructure
Erik Kriššák, Ministry of Culture, Slovakia
Interoperability of information systems in the culture sector of Slovakia
Radoslav Katuščák, digital media consultant
Long-Term Preservation of Digital Content
Opening Ceremony

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